Frequently Asked Questions
To order your purchase:
1. Click "Add to cart" button on products you wish to purchase.
2. Click "Continue Shopping" to continue add other products into the cart or click "Checkout" to proceed your payment of the products.
3. You'll reach a log in page where you need to log in your account using Username and Password. If you don't have an account, you need to register an account before proceed your payment.
4. Confirm your address on "Shipping Address" page and click "Next" button.
5. Select your shipping methods and click "Next" button.
6. Choose your payment method and click "Next" button.
7. Reconfirms your billing details and agree on the terms and condition.
8. Click "Confirm Order" button to complete the order.
Log-in account > Click on "My Addresses" > Edit your information and shipping address.
We will ship out order on next working days. Delivery will takes about 2-5 working days.
For the moment, we use JNT Express for delivery.
1. Click on "Lost Password" and fill your email that used to register account in the box and click "Submit".
2. An email will be sent to your registered email address containing the link and steps for you to create a new password.
Yes, only if the order is still on pending status.
1. Credit card
Via Paypal (Visa or Mastercard / American Express / Paypal Funds)
Via eGHL (Visa or Mastercard / Internet Banking)
I still have doubts!
Sorry that we're unable to clear your doubts in the F.A.Q. Kindly email us at or Whatsapp at +6012-2063612